Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Magic 8 Ball

I decided to do a very scientific test. I decided to ask my Magic 8 Ball if I was having a boy or a girl.

Ask question: is the baby in my belly a boy? Answer: Positively
Ask next question: is the baby in my belly a girl? Answer: Can not foretell now

Then on to the Chinese Calendar:
Age: 33
Conception month: January
Gender: Girl

Pregnancy Quiz: Girl

Now for the really scientific part... what do the Mothers think...
mom: Boy
mom-in-law: Boy
Aunt: Boy

What do I think? I am undecided.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I think women are chemically altered after they give birth to think pregnancy was GREAT! But, the truth is sometimes it sucks. Its not all glowy and eating whatever you want.

It can be really, really, really rough. Your immune system sucks, so anyone who tracks down a bug you are more than likely to get it.

This week... I had a glorious stomach bug that had me retching into a toilet that was already filled to the brim with excrement. Yay... pretty picture here.

Then after said bug is gone... I get a cough. Just a nagging cough that you can't take any proper 'knock me out so I can friggin sleep' medicine.

Oh the joys of pregnancy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Trimester

Nausea - I haven’t had ‘morning’ sickness but afternoon/evening sickness. I just have these waves of it that come and go. It is worse when I let myself get too hungry. But, I have been trying to ‘snack’ more often.

Exhaustion - all I want to do is close my eyes and sleep. My body basically crashes after a day at work. I just become a blob. One flight of stairs at work gets me out of breath.

Constipation - I have been going sometimes 2-3 days without a BM. I don’t remember being this bad with my first pregnancy. This is like passing a rock sometimes. No wonder Lil One doesn’t like going poop if she has bouts of constipation!

Body temp - I haven’t been able to stay warm at night. I can have a full layer of warm clothes on, have the pellet stove cranked up, a blanket on and I will still have the chills. I am never like this so it HAS to be the pregnancy.