Saturday, May 30, 2009

baby room idea #3

I think this is a beautiful room. I love the purple and the green and blue accent colors. It is more feminine than the blue monkey room. I like the vibrancy of it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

baby's room idea 2

So, I have been doing some more baby room research. And I love this room. I wish I could be this creative sometimes. My brain just doesn't work that way. The couple that did this room are art school grads and owners of graphic design studio, so I think they are probably way more creative than I will ever be.

ABC Nursery from Mod Wee Ones: link

Thursday, May 28, 2009

baby's room

Kendal said she wanted the baby's room to be blue, so daddy suggested blue and violet. I think it is a wonderful idea and have been trying to find ideas for the room.

My first idea was the blue room with the white adhesive stars that I had seen from Pottery Barn Kids, but I can't find them now online.

This is something I found today and LOVE it. Even if it is expensive. It is a beautiful wall mural in just the right shade of purple for a girl. :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

string theory

a friend came and visited this weekend. she says the string test has proven successful on baby sex prediction.

we got a string and tied a needle to it. friend held the string over my wrist and the needle moved in a somewhat circular pattern. which means girl

so the consensus is that the baby is a girl based on the chinese calendar, pregnancy quiz and string test.

now we wait for the ultrasound on May 21.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

19 weeks

closing in on 19 weeks.

From Pregnancy Ages & Stages:
Baby's length: 6 inches
Baby's weight: 7.5 ounces
Baby's size: Magic 8-ball

I see a theme over the past couple of days... consult magic 8-ball and now you are the size of one.

i can feel you moving these days. tonight you were moving from about 9:30 p.m. until about 12:30 a.m. it felt like i had someone's fist in my stomach doing twists and turns.

now you are quiet.