Friday, June 19, 2009

25 weeks

Baby girl #2 and I had our 25 week checkup today. Everything so far looks normal. I have gained 10 pounds (from doctor's visits). I have gained about 15 pounds from the beginning using my home scale. The size of my belly matches with 25 week growth.

We talked about the options for birth... either trying for a VBAC or doing a repeat cesarean. If we did a repeat c-section we would go to 39 weeks or about 9-21-09. If we tried for a VBAC we would wait for labor to commence and they would schedule a c-section at 41 weeks if baby did not arrive on her own.

I would really like to go into labor to get to see if my body could accommodate it. And to see what normal delivery feels like. I know it is scary, but I think it is kind of important to me to experience it. If I just do a repeat c-section, I will be able to be awake this time but will never be able to experience the whole labor, birthing thing. There are pros and cons for each option. There are risks for each option. The least risky is a c-section.

I am not obsessed with the idea of giving birth vaginally. Who wants to pass a bowling ball through the vaginal canal? Any takers?

It might be nice to say schedule time and date and then all family/friends, etc can show up on said date. Plan time for family to take care of child #1. And not to really have to freak out the husband or the mom's due to last minute, emergency c-section.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

name update

So the name list has been consolidated. We are pretty much down to two names.

1. Siena Ryan
2. Aprilia Ryan (april for short)

I know Aprilia sounds weird to a lot of people, but I do think it is very pretty. This list still might change but so far these are two we like the best. Initials for Aprilia would be ARG (said in my best pirate voice, which is not that good. and one eye closed)

And Siena is a bit more popular on the whole names chart list. And I don't know how much she would be teased that her name could be a color or a city or a toyota minivan. There is Sienna Miller who is a celebrity and she would not be named after her at all.

Naming is hard for parents. I know it is hard for me because both my husband and I have unique names. I don't want to go way too out there but I don't really like a lot of traditional names either.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


we have been tossing around name ideas. here is what we have so far in no particular order.

  1. Maria Angeline (call her by her middle name)
  2. Siena
  3. Aprilia Ryan
  4. Natalie
So far, from the people I have told names to they like #2. Daddy really likes the name Aprilia. But, I know a couple people who think it is odd or hard to pronounce or is related to the motorcycle company. (He says he just likes the name - no affiliation) One comment was #1 sounded too Catholic.

And these are ideas. I am not sure how these will morph over time. Or if these will end up being in our final list of options. We already had one name fall off the list since the neighbors named their dog Ella.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a baby!

We saw the doctor today and had an ultrasound to check for uterine notching. The scan was normal for notching which is good news. But, they found something else that they would like to watch.

I have marginal placental previa and the baby has trivial tricuspid regurgitation. So, the doctor would like me to return at 28 weeks for an additional scan to check the growth plus the two other new issues.

The frustration is that every single test has been normal! And we are so relieved that things are good so far. We just feel like some of the tests now are getting to be a bit much. How do people do this without insurance or jobs to help pay for bills? How do you say no to the tests when it is the life of your child and your health?

dr appointment

We are headed to another appointment today with Maternal Fetal Medicine. This appointment is to do a ultrasound with dopplers to check uterine notching. This is to check the blood flow through the uterine arteries. What we hope to see is normal blood flow.

They check this now between 22 and 24 weeks to see if their is any uterine notching as a predictor to preeclampsia. And since I had HELLP syndrome with baby #1, they think this might predict preeclampsia or HELLP with this baby.

Our fingers are crossed and we hope all goes well.