Baby girl #2 and I had our 25 week checkup today. Everything so far looks normal. I have gained 10 pounds (from doctor's visits). I have gained about 15 pounds from the beginning using my home scale. The size of my belly matches with 25 week growth.
We talked about the options for birth... either trying for a VBAC or doing a repeat cesarean. If we did a repeat c-section we would go to 39 weeks or about 9-21-09. If we tried for a VBAC we would wait for labor to commence and they would schedule a c-section at 41 weeks if baby did not arrive on her own.
I would really like to go into labor to get to see if my body could accommodate it. And to see what normal delivery feels like. I know it is scary, but I think it is kind of important to me to experience it. If I just do a repeat c-section, I will be able to be awake this time but will never be able to experience the whole labor, birthing thing. There are pros and cons for each option. There are risks for each option. The least risky is a c-section.
I am not obsessed with the idea of giving birth vaginally. Who wants to pass a bowling ball through the vaginal canal? Any takers?
It might be nice to say schedule time and date and then all family/friends, etc can show up on said date. Plan time for family to take care of child #1. And not to really have to freak out the husband or the mom's due to last minute, emergency c-section.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago