Our little girl arrived on September 20th, 2009 at 8:54 a.m. via scheduled c-section. She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 inches long. We named her Natalie Ryan Graves.
We went to the doctor on Wednesday 9.16 for our last visit and my blood pressure was a little high. But, was sent home. Then I had a headache on 9.17 and was asked to come back in. My blood pressure was really high and we did PIH blood screens. And was sent home again but was asked to come back the next day. We had a 50/50 chance of having the baby on Friday. I went back in and my PIH tests were normal... which was good and we could wait until Sunday to do the c-section.
Sunday morning, Ryan, Montana Nana and I went to the hospital. We checked in and were taken to our room. We listened to the baby's heart and mine. I was prepped and the nurse tried to give me an IV in my arm... failed and then tried my hand. After I was prepped, Dr. Wells came in and said we could go in early. We walked to the surgery room and Ryan and Nana both got in their sterile suits. Nana was in charge of the camera and Ryan was in charge of being with me and getting baby.
When I went to sit on the surgery table I started to get the shakes. I think it was adrenaline and nervousness. My blood pressure started to go really high again. The anesthesiologist prepped me for the epidural and it went well. I started to feel the warmth/numbness in one leg and then the other. He pinched me to test the drugs and gave the all clear to start. The surgery went quickly and I felt tugging and pulling and then they said the baby was about to come out. We dropped the curtain to see her head. The cord was around her neck, but it was quickly removed. When she was pulled out she had a lot of dark almost black hair. While I was being sewed back together it was really uncomfortable in my upper abdomen.
Ryan went with the nurse to weigh and measure the baby. Then he brought her to me so we could see her together. With surgery finished we all went back to our room. It seems like a blur now.
Ryan and I had some time alone while Nana went home to pick up big sister. We were trying to decide on her name. We took almost the whole day, but finally decided on Natalie. It wasn't the two names we had thought we were going to use. I think we surprised everyone with her name.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago