We had two trips to the ER and two hospital stays due to RSV - Respiratory syncytial virus.
Thursday 2/4 Ryan and Kendal took MT Nana to the airport. Itty bitty was kind of fussy all day and by the evening she was breathing really hard. As soon as Ryan walked in the door from the airport I left for the ER.
In the ER, the doctors hooked up Natalie to an oxygen sensor and her numbers were pretty good. Then took an x-ray and an RSV swab test. We ended up about 4 hours in the ER. And about 1 in the morning they admitted Natalie to the hospital. She had a breathing treatment and some supplemental oxygen. I ended up watching her monitors for hours and falling asleep for a few hours.
Friday morning we went home. The doctors told us that it probably would get worse. So we went home and rode the roller coaster of getting better a bit and then getting worse. We tried to suction out the snot from her nose and feed her from a syringe (since she wouldn't nurse).
Saturday we called the doctors and they said to come in. But, we decided she got better enough to stay home.
Sunday we woke up, showered and went to the ER. I think at one point there were over 8 people in the room. There was no pneumonia and one nurse said that we were on the way to pneumonia if we waited any longer. Natalie was dehydrated and needed an IV. She was very lethargic due to the dehydration as well. She was also put on supplemental oxygen again. And then we were admitted to the hospital again. At this point, we just wanted her to be better. It is so hard to see your child sick.
Monday... another day in the hospital.
Tuesday... another day in the hospital. But, taken off of IV in early afternoon. Then that night she was taken off of oxygen.
Wednesday... we went home. We had our smiling baby again.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago