I am a fan of the vibrating bouncy seat with the kissing fish. I also like the mobile in my crib... although I don't like to sleep in my crib yet. I like to sleep with my head in mom's armpit with my face right near the food. I am still a wiggler with my arms and legs always on the move. Mom says she knows when I am hungry at night because I shimmy and wiggle towards her.
Mommy and Daddy say all babies love the bounce and boy do I ever! It usually gets out a burp or puts me to sleep. Mom says she couldn't live without the exercise ball.
Mom had to buy new diapers for me. I am in these cool cloth diapers (not pictured) that she just loves and they are Daddy approved! And Mom says not one rash yet!
Well, in one week I will be 3 months old and get to meet my cousins who will be home from London. And I get to experience my very first Christmas. Hopefully Mommy will let me have the computer back sometime to tell you all about it.
OMG...could she be any cuter? Can't wait to meet her at Christmas! I can't believe we haven't gotten up to see you guys yet...we've been plagued, it seems, with one virus after another. She's adorable!