itty bitty is 16 months. today. she is our mini godzilla right now. throwing toys, dumping things out, playing in the sink, screaming when told 'no', hitting when frustrated, dropping food all over the floor from her chair, etc. sometimes i wonder how parents forget the craziness of having kids. it is mostly chaos 90% of the time.
but, then there are the good parts...
she has been giving kisses for a couple of months now. the full on, open mouth, come at you, demand for kisses! sometimes she will even grab your head and pull you to her kiss.
at night we have our routine of nurse, brush teeth, read a book and then she snuggles on my shoulder before I put her in her crib. for the past couple of weeks she has been laying her head on my shoulder and then in the dark i can feel this warmth on my cheek. it is nut with her mouth open breathing on me waiting for kisses. i can't help but smile and give her kisses. then last night i realized she hadn't given me kisses for a couple of days. and just as i was realizing it i had this little head turn to me and warmth on my cheek. i gave her kisses and put her in her crib.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago
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