lil nut is 17 months old. we are still nursing "part time". i am partly ready to give it up and partly holding on to dear life that she nurses for months more. lots of the what ifs.
18 months
still nursing part time. sometimes in the morning but mostly in the evening/at night. i think we are finally (finally!) sleeping through the night. this is a huge milestone for us because it is more than one night where she sleeps from 7:30ish until at least 5 or 6 a.m. it's a miracle at this point.
nursing is such a love/hate relationship at times. i still love the closeness of nursing. i still loathe that at times all she wants is me and the boobs. or out in public she can reach down my shirt and pretty much tell the world what she wants - and some people stare like how OLD is that kid?! on the other hand when i can sit in the recliner and she looks at me and she just wants to nurse. it is so wonderful to know that i can provide comfort to her. i like so many things about breastfeeding her this long and there are some things that make me ready to quit. it is day by day. love that i still can keep the weight off because of nursing... which is oh so selfish. i love that i can get vitamins in her when she is sick by nursing. i get annoyed when she pulls on me like taffy or plays with my armpits... really, armpits are fascinating?! well, we will continue this for now. it's good for her and it is good for me and at this point that is all that matters.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago
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