oh second child, your life is not as heralded/celebrated as a first child. you can tell by the hand-me-downs. you will get the older sibling's crib, blankets, clothes and toys. you will have less mementos since your bleary eyed parents will be too distracted or tired to grab a camera for each new thing you do. your first smile, your first coo, your first spit up, your first poop, your first food will still go noticed but maybe not as captured for future memories.
i know this as your mommy (who is a 2nd child too) right now because thinking of your arrival in a few short months has me thinking of what i need to get ready. and if i should just re-use most of your sister's stuff or try to make your room as unique as you will be. i want to have a beautiful room that is yours and yours alone with the purple walls and the perfect coordinating colors. but, another part of me thinks will you care? no. you will be loved and the colors of your room will not matter. the clothes you wear might be slightly used and possibly stained... the toys you play with will be previously loved and may show some wear.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago
That was really sweet Michal! She will be very loved by her whole family!