I was reading an article this morning from the NY Times - For Firstborns, Secondhand Fits the bill. It is a pretty interesting article and says we are in a 'Craigslist economy'. I would consider myself part of the Craigslist economy... I would rather find some baby item needs on CL than buy it new.
For example, we were looking for a Phil & Ted's stroller - way too expensive brand new. We wanted this stroller and we didn't want to pay the $450 price tag. So, we went to Craigslist and it took a little while, but we recently bought the stroller for $100 less than new and it was still in the box! Now, we just need to find the doubles kit...
I look pretty frequently on craigslist for items that are used but in good condition. Right now, we are on a hunt for a dresser for first child in order to move the dresser/changing table to second born's room. I am also hunting for Kissaluvs fitted diapers and found a craigslist/ebay site that sells just used cloth diapers.
Other things I have bought off CL that have worked great - infant car seat, Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers, Britax car seat for MIL's car, bumbo, etc. I think it is great that people are reusing items. I don't want to be the throw away generation that buys everything new and throws it away when done with it.
Shanghai part 2
9 years ago
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