Sunday, April 25, 2010


child, just take your medicine. it tastes like bubble gum!

i know i am forcing you to take it, but the spitting it out really makes this process a lot longer.

your sister loved taking medicine and still does... can you be like her just this once?

how many more days do we have to fight this battle?!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

sitting up

Kendal received this piano for her first Christmas from Vovo and Vova. We have had it in Natalie's room for quite some time now. Usually Kendal plays it while Natalie lays on the floor and watches her big sister play. This morning I sat Natalie at the piano and let her play while Kendal slept. I kept a close eye on her from topping over for awhile, but then I decided I wanted to chance it. She sat up the whole time by herself while I went to get the camera. She played for about 15 minutes at the piano.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

mom and me

it may be morbid, but i think about how my girls will remember me. is it the love that i give them, the smiles and the hugs. or is it the ill temper and the yelling (yes, I have succumbed to yelling). how much i was away from home or that we snuggled close on the couch. this picture makes me think of those things. i don't have make up on or look all put together, but i have love in my face and joy in my heart for my little natalie.
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

roll over... roll over

Finally! she rolled from back to front. I put her down on the floor on her back and she was quiet. She has rolled from front to back for quite some time. The back to front has been a wee bit elusive. She even got her arms out. one small milestone.