Monday, October 15, 2012


I often wear my hair up after I get home from work.  Usually it is because I go for a run or go to yoga.  But, then it is because I prefer my hair up off my body from showering or what have you.  So when I cuddle with Nat or try to put her to bed she hates the ponytail!  Mom no like pony tail!  I have to take it out when I put her to bed.  She plays with it or tells me it is pretty.

Photo Book

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Photo books are the perfect gift for any occasion.


new favorite saying of nut nut - it be awesome!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


i should be thankful.  we have moved past needing the kitty ice pack, blanket, blanket on the floor, tangled doll, and strawberry shortcake for bed time.  now we only need blanket, blanket on the floor and tangled doll.  small wins.

tonight i couldn't help laughing.  i went to tuck her in for the probably fourth time and she wanted 'uppie cuddles'.  which i obliged.  who doesn't want cuddles from their kids?!  so i pick her up and she says 'no like pony'.  i have my hair pulled back in a ponytail.  so i take the ponytail out.  "that better" chuckle, snort, cuddle.... chuckle, try not to laugh... (child whimpers, chuckles)... chuckle...  laugh uncontrollable and put child back in bed.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Favorite Book: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and Snuggle Puppy
Favorite food: mac n cheese, pizza, chicken nuggets, fruit snacks
Favorite toy of the moment: bubbles
Favorite drink:  chuice aka juice

Our favorite sayings:
reading pigeon book 'true story' (singsong voice)
i show you
'be right back'
'you otay daddy?'
'i want netwicks'  netflix
i want play (computer games)

Monday, January 16, 2012


For about the past month or 2, nut nut asks for 'purple' Dora diaper.  Or for 'purple' jammies... which happen to be blue or pink, not actually purple.  And the 'purple' Dora diaper is pink or yellow...

so what does 'purple' mean?  we think it means 'perfect'.  Her sister says 'that's perfect' so we know it has to be a preferred item.  So I think I will start calling things I like 'purple'.

2 working adults + 2 children = no spare time

i don't post about the crazy things this kid does or says although there are many.  i don't post as many pictures because they live on my phone. 

here is one pic of the nut asking for ipah mommy...  (iPod)